Using your computer start the cmd program: Start => Run => cmd (for Windows Vista Start => Search => cmd). When a new window for this program appears type a command: ping -t. Then you will see the table similar to provided below (to stop the process press Ctrl + C buttons):
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=55
. . .
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 40, Received = 40, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 32ms, Average = 11ms
If the difference between the maximum and the minimum round trip times is comparatively small (e.g. minimum=10ms and maximum=32ms) it means you Internet connection is acceptable. Otherwise, you need to check whether you have any other applications launched on your computer that may cause some negative or even harmful effect on your Internet connectivity. Then, if you need, you may call to your current Internet provider to submit the request on checking your Internet quality.